Deep Sea Gold Mining: Will Gold Be Mined in the Oceans?
I read a great article on Wired about how mining corporations are ramping up plans to mine for many different types of mineral deposits on the ocean floor. Although deep sea oil drilling has been a reality for many years,…

Where to Find Gold in Texas: Panning for Gold, Mines & Nuggets
So, is there really any gold to be found in Texas? It’s not as silly a question as you might think. Although many states have an abundance of gold that amateur prospectors can find with panning, metal detecting and other…

Gold Panning & Prospecting Still Allowed in Colorado County
Earlier this month, we posted about the possibility that Colorado’s Larimer County could ban gold panning and prospecting on all government land under their control. Today, however, commissioners in Larimer County delighted local prospectors and panners when they decided not…