Gold Rush Prospector Old Pictures: Miner, 49er Panning Photos
Gold prospecting sure has changed over the last few hundred years. During the great gold rushes in the United States–which took place in the 1800’s and early 1900’s and were photographed extensively–miners and prospectors in search of gold traveled across…

Where to Find the Largest Gold Nuggets: Big Nuggets of the World
It’s every gold prospector’s dream: finding a huge gold nugget worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Whether you’re an amateur prospector who enjoys panning or metal detecting for gold, you’ve undoubtedly daydreamed about discovering a big, valuable nugget. And while…

Where to Find Gold in Colorado, Gold Mines & Panning Sites
Amateur prospecting and panning hobbyists who are researching where to find gold in Colorado will have many different gold-rich locations to choose from. Colorado was one of the most flocked-to states during the big gold rushes of the mid-1800’s, and…