How to Find a Gold Mine: Resources on Where to Find Gold Mines
There are plenty or reasons why amateur gold prospectors might be interested in how to find gold mines–whether active or abandoned–in their state. As we’ve said before many times on this blog, the best place for panning, prospecting or metal…

How to Find Gold Veins & Gold Deposits in Rock Formations
Most of the prospecting methods for finding gold that we discuss on this blog include panning for flakes and dust, metal detecting for nuggets. or large-scale mining. There is another, less common method of finding gold, however: searching for gold…

Where to Find Gold in Oregon: Gold Panning Locations in Oregon
Oregon was one of the original states where early gold prospectors came for panning and mining operations way back in the middle of the 19th Century. Today, amateur prospectors still flock to the state in order to find out where…