The World’s Oldest Gold Prospecting Tools: Termites and Ants?
Some companies that want to find gold in Australia are starting to look at termite mounds as sources of information about whether or not large deposits of gold underneath the ground. According to this article from Australasian Mining, geologists and…

Where to Sell Gold for Prospectors: Panned Nuggets, Raw Flakes, Dust
Most people who get involved in amateur gold prospecting don’t ever find enough flakes or nuggets to worry about where to sell their gold. Recreational panning should be looked at as just that: recreation. If you aren’t having fun while…

Gold Locations: How to Find Gold Mining, Prospecting, Nugget Panning
Gold locations are easy to find across the USA if you’re willing to put the time and effort into learning about gold panning, prospecting or metal detecting for gold nuggets. One of the most important things we try to repeat…