How to Find Gold in Clay & Sand: Methods for Panning in Rivers
Sometimes, when you are panning for gold in a river, creek or a stream, you will find clay sticking to the material you’ve dug up or panned. Its best then to dump your “diggings” into a pail of water. (Yes,…

How to Identify Where To Find Gold in a Creek, River or Stream
Before you start looking for gold in a particular stream, creek or river, take time to test out an area in advance of settling down to a day’s work. A fast check can be made by starting with grass that…

How to Find Gold by Reading Rivers, Streams & Creeks
Depending upon the physical nature of a particular river, you may find gold in many types of places; in some other creeks and streams, perhaps only in a few places. We’ve found gold, for instance, along a sandy bank of…