Panning Your First One-Ounce Gold Nugget
There is no thrill like seeing a one-ounce nugget slowly show itself in the bottom of the pan. Although I am a mechanized miner and have found larger nuggets in my 30-foot long sluice box, it will not replace the…

How to Find Treasure Caches: Buried Gold, Silver & More
For some, cache hunting is the ultimate form of treasure hunting. For others it is the most boring. Your perspective of cache hunting may depend on what you want to get out of treasure hunting, as well as your psychological…

Natural Disasters Lead to Gold, Silver & Other Treasures
Disasters of all kinds are a leading cause for treasures being lost. They are also often the reason why many treasures are found. Storms, floods, wars, ship wrecks, fires and earthquakes have resulted in untold numbers of caches being buried…