Gold Prospecting Field Trips for Students and Schools

If you are surfing the net looking for a wholesome educational experience for your students take a look at what Gold Prospecting Expeditions has to offer. We have used our 25 years of experience to create a gold rush among your students. When they find real gold they give us 110% of their attention .
Science/History Program
Our educational program starts at the third-fourth grade level and carries through to the high school and college years. Ask about our companion study guide that will assist you as you prepare your class for their visit. Click here to review 25 reasons why you should visit our Jimtown 1849 Gold Mining Camp!
Our One-and Two-Day Science / History Program
Fourth through Sixth grade program can include: A visit to our JIMTOWN 1849 GOLD MINING CAMP where every student will be taught to pan for gold at a real gold mining camp along a sparkling mountain creek under the cottonwood trees.
Our prospectors in period costume, will show the student how to use the long toms, flumes and rocker boxes to retrieve the gold. They will see Mark Twain’s cabin, Sutter’s Mill (currently under construction) Boothill, a coral with live animals, an old mine and much more. Over 25 attractions in all. This is a living history experience for the students and teachers alike.
Reading the Fingerprints of Nature Science / History Program
Sixth grade through High school students will appreciate this unique adventure that is easily modified to their educational level. Here students not only learn how to pan for real gold but how to read the “fingerprints” of nature that direct the prospector to the gold. They will learn to understand the importance of physics and hydrology. They will learn why we pay attention to high water marks and scars on the trees, etc.
Each student will go away with a deeper appreciation for the wondrous powers that pulled the gold from the earth to their pan at our creek.
Over-Night Accommodations
Whether you choose to stay at one of our Mountain Camps or our Working Cattle Ranch, you will be comfortably taken care of and your students will find plenty to keep themselves busy.
We provide hot family style meals and sack lunches to go. Cabins and are available or dorms or if you and your students want to rough it a bit stay in our western bunkhouses with no heat or electricity or stay in our mountain retreat with all the comforts of home. On the other hand maybe you are looking for a night under the stars. You bring your tents and sleeping bags and make camp next to a beautiful mountain river or at the headwaters of a beautiful lake.
Our location includes: Up to 3,000 acres to take a nature hike and explore, hay rides, swimming pools, lake and pond swimming and fishing (we have fishing poles to loan), canoes and sail boating, a huge sand filled corral with grand stands for playing games, a second story barn for play, dancing, or out of the rain fun. A camp fire pit for story telling and singing, basketball, tennis courts, volleyball nets, and recreation rooms. All the camps have in and out provisions and easy access for bus and cars.
Additional Options May Include: Mark Twain. Imagine their faces when he walks into camp spinning tales of his life in the gold country, or a young women dressed in 1800’s costume walks in to the camp to sit by the fire and tell of her journey by wagon train west to the gold fields with her family. Maybe your students would enjoy some knee slapping marry making music around the fire with one of our talented banjo playing musicians, or live music in the hayloft of the barn.
One or all of these can be included in your adventure to gold country with Gold Prospecting Expeditions! The leader in school field trip destinations.